Course Features

Delivered on Teams
Delivered Face to Face
Blended Delivery


The Healthy Minds & Mental Wellbeing course is aimed at those who have suffer from stress, anxiety and low self-esteem. Low confidence and low self-esteem can hinder your happiness, job satisfaction and relationships. This is a very interactive course that really involves you and supports you to interact with others and to realise that you are enough just the way you are.


You will be able to turn your thoughts from negative outcomes to positive ones. You will be able to identify triggers and settle your mind by having a coping strategy that will enable you to look at problems with a different mindset. You will have an action plan to enable you to refer to and work through to help you achieve your life goals.

Course Information

Pre-Requisites: None

Course Duration: 2 Weeks

Recommended Extracurricular Learning Hours: 5 Hours

A Great Tutor

We have many excellent tutors with vast amounts of experience available for teaching this course. Whoever you are taught by, you are guaranteed a great service!